About us

Community Child Care Association (CCC) works to ensure that children and families have access to quality education and care services which meet their individual needs.

We believe non-profit community owned education and care services provide a benchmark for quality service provision. 

We are the Peak Body for community owned, not-for-profit long day care and outside school hours care in Victoria, and advocate on behalf of all community owned and managed education and care services.

We are also recognised for the high level resources, training and professional development we provide across the whole of the Victorian children's education and care services sector.

Established in 1971, we are a membership based, independent, not for profit association. With more than four decades and commitment to this sector, we are a respected voice in this field and are well placed to lobby key decision makers including Federal and State Government Ministers and local politicians. We also provide authoritative and informed public comment about issues impacting on this sector.

Policy and Advocacy

We are at the forefront of social advocacy to enable and strengthen the development and retention of the community owned education and care services sector in Victoria.

Our advocacy work involves consulting with our constituency, social policy research and analysis, exchange of information between the sector and external stakeholders including government, development of policy proposals and local, state and national lobbying.

CCC Vision

  • Excellent early childhood and outside school hours education and care for all 
  • Thriving and valued community and not-for-profit services delivering the best outcomes for children and families.

CCC Mission

To lead, support and advocate for accessible high-quality opportunities for children and families.

CCC Guiding Principles


We support services to build meaningful partnerships with families that are vital to the development of children as strong and active members of society.

We equip and support early childhood and outside schools hours care services, educators and their communities with the skills and confidence to participate in and influence the growth and sustainable management of quality not for profit education and care services.

We recognise that families have the right and the capacity to make shared decisions with educators in relation to their children.

We work from a strengths based position to build on the capacity of our staff and leaders and educators in our sector.


We recognise and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional owners of the land. We are committed to reconciliation, and to ensuring that all our work is inclusive and respectful of the cultures and perspectives of Australia’s first people.

We advocate for communities working together towards a better future which supports the potential of every child; where families and community are strong, and where community owned education and care services are valued and well resourced.

We acknowledge that each community is diverse with unique characteristics and cultures, which provide a rich context for early and middle childhood curriculum and programs.

We work to build a sense of community within CCC and externally through building partnerships and consortium.


We model and advocate for collaborative practice that enables resources, skills and expertise to be shared and where stakeholders are brought together to achieve common goals.

We respect the rights of children as citizens and as active participants and decision makers in their learning, development and well-being.

We act ethically and with integrity and use reflective practice in our work; we are a community of learners and support education and care services to learn, develop and thrive.


We are committed to delivering on our promises by being accountable to each other, our stakeholders, our partners and funders through collaborative planning, communication and resourcing our work.

We enact and demonstrate professional behaviour in all our interactions

We support early childhood and outside school hours care services to be accountable to their children, families, communities and funders



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