Media releases

ECEC sector welcomes new government

With Anthony Albanese sworn in as Australia’s 31st prime minister, the Australian education and care sector looks forward to working alongside a new government. With a key election promise from Labor for cheaper childcare, peak-body for the education and care sector, Community Child Care Association (CCC), are hopeful that more support for the sector is just around the corner.

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Pre-Election Forum calls for greater focus on education and care this election

On Tuesday 5 April Community Child Care Association (CCC), Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) and Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) came together to host an Education and Care Pre-Election Forum where we shared our 6 Point Plan for the future of the sector. The forum was an opportunity for our members to have their voices heard by politicians, and to unpack what each political party envisions for our sector in the lead up to the federal election.

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Federal Budget falls short for accessible children’s education and care

Education and care peak bodies Community Child Care Association (CCC), Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) and Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) expressed their disappointment that there were limited new measures in the budget, and that ECEC was not recognised as a key cost of living driver.

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Education and care sector launches an ambitious plan for reform

Community Child Care Association (CCC), Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) and Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) have joined forces to build a plan that guarantees access to high quality education and care, delivered by a dedicated, qualified and fairly paid workforce.

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Staffing and skills crisis looms for Australian early education and care

A recent study by three leading education and care peak bodies has revealed that Australian education and care services reported over 4,500 vacancies had been advertised in the first six months of 2021. Nearly half of all job vacancies in education and care settings remained unfilled in early 2021. Poor pay and conditions, and lack of qualified applicants were key reasons for these shortages.

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Pushed to the COVID brink, Vic not-for-profit early learning rates better

As the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to devastate the Victorian early education and care sector, not-for-profit, community-owned services have reported outstanding results in recent national quality benchmarks when compared to private providers.

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Four-year commitment to pre-school funding welcomed but more is needed

Community Child Care Association welcomes the federal government’s budget announcement of $2 billion funding over four years towards early childhood education, allowing service providers to plan with confidence for the first time.

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New Reconciliation Action Plan to drive reconciliation in Victoria’s early learning sector

Community Child Care Association’s new Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), released today, strengthens the peak body’s commitment to an Australia where every First Nations child feels welcome in early learning, and all children learn about the history and cultures of our First Australians.

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Not-for-profit childcare and kindergartens better quality in Victoria

Not-for-profit childcare services provide higher quality education and care in Victoria. This is the key finding from a report released today by Australian Community Children’s Services in conjunction with Community Child Care Association.

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Building a future our children deserve – Victorian Budget 2020

The 2020/21 Victorian Budget is a clear winner for children and families. Peak body Community Child Care Association has welcomed this landmark investment in early childhood education, which will carve a learning path for the fast-growing minds of our youngest Victorians.

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Melbourne’s super lockdown puts early and middle childhood services at risk of permanent closure

Panicked early and middle childhood services face the possibility of permanent closure, with peak body Community Child Care Association calling for government support to be extended.

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Disappointing plan to end ‘free childcare’ leaves families and providers in the lurch

The government’s planned transition out of ‘free childcare’ is not the right path for families or providers.

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Andrews Government leading the country in early childhood – Peak body commends additional $140+ in 19/20 budget for our children’s future

Community Child Care Association (CCC) Executive Director Julie Price welcomes the funding secured for much needed education and care reforms in Labor’s 2019/20 budget. Victoria’s early childhood reform agenda is the largest investment in early education and care we have seen in the country.

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Last-minute election promise puts early childhood education on the agenda

On the eve of the state election, peak body Community Child Care Association (CCC) has applauded Labor’s announcement that early childhood TAFE courses will be free and there will be 8,000 university scholarships for prospective kindergarten teachers.

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Investment in Out-of-Home care a welcome announcement for children, families and services

Community Child Care Association (CCC) congratulates the Andrews Labor Government on its recent announcement of expanding the LOOKOUT program and investing in children in out-of-home care (OOHC).

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Labor’s Early Years Plan a ‘game changer’ for Australian families

Labor’s pledge to spend $1.7 billion on early childhood education including kindergarten for three-year-olds is a game changer, according to peak body Community Child Care Association (CCC).

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Federal Budget – Young children miss out again!

The education and care sector was hoping for one key action from the Federal Government for young children – a commitment to long-term kindergarten funding, especially to enable funded early childhood education to be delivered to children for two years prior to school.

Alas, the sector and Victorian children have again been let down by the Federal Government.

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Victorian State Budget – Investment in our early childhood workforce is a step in the right direction

The Victorian Government has announced a welcome $8 million investment over the next three years in scholarships to attract new teachers to the early childhood workforce, and to support educators who wish to upskill to a teaching qualification.

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Bain Capital faces ACCC concern over outside school hours care merger

A proposed $100 million merger between two of Australia’s largest outside school hours care (OSHC) providers could lead to higher fees and lower quality care, according to ACCC. Community Child Care Association (CCC) shares ACCC’s concerns.

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Traditional outside school hours care under siege

Victorian parents fear price hikes as an American investment firm threatens to gobble up almost half our state’s outside school hours care (OSHC) services.

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Federal Budget – What’s in it for early childhood?

The 2017/18 Federal Budget has quietly ushered in the Jobs for Families Package, a new funding model for child care subsidies, and a one-year extension to the National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education. Despite this welcome investment in education and care, many in the early childhood sector remain deeply concerned.

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Victorian State Budget  Big boost for early childhood

The Victorian Government is set to spend millions on early childhood education that will support children and families in vulnerable circumstances.

“It is great to see a Victorian Budget that is walking the talk in early childhood. This budget contains welcome funding mechanisms which will support holistic approaches to children’s learning, development and wellbeing,” says Dr Anne Kennedy, Chairperson of Community Child Care Association (CCC).

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Senate vote will negatively impact thousands of Australian children

Community Child Care Association is outraged that the Senate has passed the Jobs for Families Child Care Package, legislation that will provide a new funding model that effectively winds back access to early learning for children who need it the most. This will mean some children will be excluded from early learning environments before preschool, and children in vulnerable circumstances will have their access halved. The package will have negative consequences for thousands of children and families across Australia.

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Child care subsidies and family tax assistance – Robbing Peter to pay Paul

The Federal Government’s proposal to increase childcare subsidies at the cost of cuts to family payments is short-sighted and unnecessary, according to Victoria’s peak body for community-owned child care and education.

“There is substantial evidence that increased investment in education and care has significant economic and social benefits for families, communities and nations; therefore a new improved childcare package will pay for itself,” CCC Chairperson Anne Kennedy said.

“This move by the Turnbull Government is short-sighted and is ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’,” Dr Kennedy said.

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Family violence: What's that got to do with my profession?

Early childhood professionals can play a key role in helping to tackle family violence and in supporting women and children who are living in fear.

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Victorian State Budget – What’s in it for early childhood?

“Victoria is on the cusp of making some profound differences to the lives of thousands of Victoria’s most vulnerable children,” says Dr Anne Kennedy, Chairperson of Community Child Care Association (CCC).

CCC is pleased to see some initiatives in this year’s State Budget targeted directly at early childhood education services, and also welcomes a raft of innovative initiatives across several portfolios that will make a huge difference to communities and thousands of families and children across Victoria.

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Call for school spending to include outside school hours care facilities

The Victorian Government’s Budget pledge of unprecedented capital funding for Victorian schools provides an ideal opportunity to address the growing, and often unmet, need for outside school hours care (OSHC), the Community Child Care Association (CCC) said today.

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Jobs for Families Child Care Package - Regressive legislation 

The Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Jobs for Families Child Care Package) BIll 2015, introduced into federal parliament today effectively removes universal access to education and care for children before preschool.

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