Projects and collaborations

Community Child Care Association (CCC) has been hard at work collaborating with a number or organisations and government departments, to work in partnership with and to deliver projects on their behalf.

Current projects and collaborations

New Inclusion Support Program for Victoria

Community Child Care Association (CCC) is delighted to have been selected as the Victorian preferred provider for the state-wide delivery of the new federal government Inclusion Support Program that commenced on 1 July 2016.

CCC leads the Victorian Inclusion Agency consortium, partnering with KU Children's Services and Yooralla. Our vision is for services to be well resourced so that they can be reflective of and responsive to all children and families in their communities.

Past project collaborations


National Out of School Hours Care Association (NOSHSA)

NOSHSA was contracted by DEEWR to deliver the Australian Government Child Care Flexibility Trials project for the OSHC sector. CCC was subcontracted by NOSHSA to deliver the project in Victoria and Tasmania. This project featured:

·         OSHC service providers from across Australia participating in action based research projects, designed to build capacity of their educators and improve the responsiveness of the sector as a whole

·         The employment of 12 community coordinators in identified communities to facilitate the availability of OSHC

·         Mentoring for service providers engaged in action research projects

·         Independent evaluation by the Australian Institute of Family Studies


BASTOW Institute of Educational Leadership (Bastow)

Bastow contracted Community Child Care to develop and deliver in 2012 – 2016, the ‘Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities’ course. The course aimed to develop participants’ knowledge, understanding and skills to establish and strengthen collaborative partnerships with families and communities, in order to improve children’s learning and development outcomes. This course had a particular focus on working with families and children who face considerable challenges.


Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD)

·         VEYLDF module training – for all education and care services in Victoria (2011-2013)

·         Development of Using the Frameworks for High Quality Practice in Family Day Care resource kit and training series (2012-2013)

·         Development and delivery of OSHC training around Engaging with the Big Ideas - VEYLDF and FSAC (2012)


Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

VCAA contracted CCC to deliver the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) Implementation: Inquiry into Implementation Project (IIP) 2012-2013.

The IIP required existing networks to convene up to 20 early childhood professionals from diverse settings across birth to eight years to focus on assessment for learning using the VEYLDF. CCC delivered in 5 locations across Victoria and each network met 5 times over the year.


Family Day Care Australia (FDCA)

Community Child Care was contracted by FDCA to project manage and develop a resource for the FDC sector– Quality in FDC. The resource consists of a series of videos, resource sheets and a booklet. The resource is available through FDCA.

The resource demonstrates that there are many good ways to provide family day care well.

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