
The Community Child Care Association (CCC) Consulting Service was established in 2000 in response to demand for specialist management, operational, governance and strategic support services from the early childhood sector.

Consultants with specialist skills, both in the early childhood field and other professions, are engaged to plan and develop a program to meet the individual needs of clients. The service is available on a fee for service basis which can be tailored to meet a budget

The Consulting Service operates state wide and provides a range of consultancy services which include:

  • Service Feasibility and Establishment
  • Operational and Business Modelling
  • Municipal Early Years Planning
  • Governance

CCC’s close working relationship with education and care services ensures our staff team have a strong sense and understanding of:

  • Where the sector is up to in adapting to change
  • What is unique to each service type so the language, look and tone of consulting services are customised to maximise efficiency and effectiveness

CCC’s day to day contact with services ensures continual assessment of what works to ensure consultancy programs are tightly targeted for maximum success.

CCC has a high profile within the sector and a high level of credibility with target audiences.

For more information, please contact CCC on 03 9486 3455 or email

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