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What happened to our world? Helping children cope with natural disasters and catastophes

"What Happened to MY World? Helping Children Cope with Natural Disaster and Catastrophes is for educators, parents, and everyone working to help children and families make sense of a world where the forces of nature and humans can unleash a fury in which buildings are torn apart, lives are lost, and our sense of safety and security disappears in a flash. It is designed to help adults peer into the minds of children from infancy through the teenage years and understand their fears, grief, and struggles to understand why — whether through acts of nature or human beings — the ground under their feet can disappear and the world can become a very frightening place. It has been written to help both children who experience and survive catastrophe firsthand, as well as those who witness it from a distance and wonder what it was like or whether they will find themselves in similar circumstances."

Shortly after Black Saturday (February 7 2009), when bushfires in Victoria became the most devastating natural disaster in Australian history, the late Jim Greenman, Senior Vice President for Education and Program Development of Bright Horizons Family Solutions, generously offered to make available an electronic version of What Happened to MY World: Helping Children Cope with Natural Disaster and Catastrophe to Community Child Care Victoria to share with organisations and individuals.

Download a copy of What Happened to my World

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