Advocacy on national issues

Community Child Care Association is the Victorian Branch of Australian Community Children’s Services (ACCS) and of National Out of School Hours Services Australia (NOSHSA) and works as a member of these organisations on policy and advocacy issues at a national level.

Australian Community Children’s Services

Australian Community Children's Services (ACCS) is the national peak body representing Australia's not-for-profit community owned education and care services and those who support the right of children to access these services. It advocates for and promotes not-for-profit education and care services in Australia.

Community Child Care Association (CCC) members make up the Victorian Branch of ACCS. This key relationship ensures that Victorian community owned, not-for-profit education and care services are well represented at a national level.

For more information you can find ACCS on Facebook


National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA), is a network of all Australian State and Territory OSHC services associations. These associations promote provision of Out of School Hours Care and act as a united voice to advocate both to Government and the community for excellence in service provision.

CCC acts as the Victorian Branch of NOSHSA and works as a member of this organisation on OSHC specific policy and advocacy issues at a national level on behalf of our OSHC member services.

For more information visit

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