Submissions and campaigns

CCC has been a voice for education and care services since 1971. We bring members’ needs and concerns to government and key decision-makers, to influence policy change – like equal pay for educators and continued funding for the National Quality Framework.

Recent submissions and campaigns include:


Project Victoria

This joint statement has been written by Linda Davison, Chairperson of Community Child Care Association (CCC), and Grant Boyd, President of Early Learning Association of Australia (ELAA). It will be regularly updated.

CCC and ELAA are currently exploring if we might amalgamate into a new entity. This work is progressing under the title ‘Project Victoria.’

Read the joint submission



Six point plan for education and care

Community Child Care Association (CCC), Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) and Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) have joined forces to launch an ambitious 6 Point Plan for children, families and our workforce. The plan that guarantees access to high quality education and care, delivered by a dedicated, qualified and fairly paid workforce.

Read the joint submission


Rapid antigen testing required in education and care settings

Community Child Care Association (CCC), Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) and Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) believe that a higher level of rapid antigen testing is required in education and care settings, in light of the federal government’s decision to make educators exempt from household isolation requirements.

Read the joint statement


Recommendations to reduce the continued adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education and care service provision

With 400 early learning services closed, Community Child Care Association has joined forces with Community Early Learning Australia and Early Learning Association Australia to call for urgent national action to support education and care services through the Omicron spike.

Read the joint letter


CCC's submission for the NQF Review Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS)

Read the submission


CCC's submission to the inquiry into the Australian Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Consultation now, and ongoing, with the ECEC reference group, is paramount for us all to be able to support the education and care sector on the road to COVID normal.

Read the submission


CCC's submission to the 2020 Review: Disability Standards for Education 2005

All children in Australia have the right to an inclusive education where they can learn and thrive. Children with a disability are no different. When it comes to early childhood education, we can do better by addressing barriers to access and participation, as well as the complexity of current supports.

Read the submission


CCC's submission to the Universal Access National Partnership Review

The importance of the Australian Government in continuing to provide funding, along with state governments, for four-year-old children is paramount to ensure that quality kindergarten education is accessible to all Australian families.

Read the submission


Creating children's future today – Joint Victorian state election submission, August 2018

Our children need us to get it right on childhood education and care in Victoria – and to do it right now.

  • Looking at the evidence
  • Ensuring access for all
  • Securing quality outcomes
  • Strengthening the workforce
  • Planning for changing community needs

Read the submission

Joint Vic State Election Submission


Camp Australia’s proposed merger with Junior Adventures Group – Response to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

CCC does not support the proposed merger between the two largest OSHC providers in Australia. Victoria has 1200 OSHC services and is the state that would experience the most significant impact of this proposed merger. We believe this monopoly of OSHC service ownership in Victoria will drive further anti-competitive fee structures, placing significant impact on affordability and accessibility for families.

Read the submission


Social Services Legislation Amendment (Omnibus Savings and Child Care Reform) Bill 2017 Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry

CCC is gravely concerned that this Bill combines the previous Jobs for Families Child Care Package legislation with cuts not just to Family Tax Benefits (as was the case with the previous iterations of the Bill) but now with cuts to Paid Parental Leave and a whole raft of other cuts to welfare payments – some of which the government has been trying to get through the Senate since 2014.

CCC continues to call on the Australian Government to consider education and care reforms on their own and not link their passage with welfare reforms and cuts to Paid Parental Leave. Increased subsidies for some families to affordable quality education and care must not come at the expense of income cuts to others.

Read the submission


Submission to the SkillsIQ Industry Consultation

CCC welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the SkillsIQ industry consultation on the ten ASQA recommendations for action following the August 2015 Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) strategic review Training for early childhood education and care in Australia. CCC commends both ASQA and the SkillsIQ for the continued work and commitment to improving quality and consistency in the provision of Early Childhood Education and Care Training in Australia.

Read the submission


Family Assistance Amendment (Jobs for Families Child Care Package) Bill 2016 Senate Inquiry, September 2016

Once again CCC is advocating for amendments to ensure all children have access to education and care of at least 2 days per week, regardless of whether their family meets an activity test.

Read the submission


Productivity Commission National Education Evidence Base Inquiry, May 2016

Community Child Care Association commends the inclusion of early childhood in the scope of this inquiry. CCC believes that a National Education Evidence Base should include data and research about

  • Children's learning and development from birth
  • The role of the Outside School Hours Care sector
  • Impact of structural dimensions of quality on learning
  • Impact of service provider managment types
  • ECEC workforce

Read the submission


Victorian Gender Equality Strategy Consultation, 19 February 2016

Community Child Care Association (CCC) welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the Victorian Government’s Gender Equality Strategy consultation process. As the peak body for community owned and not for profit early and middle education and care services in Victoria, we are concerned about the impact of gender inequalities in our communities. While CCC believes it is essential that action is taken on many levels to address this, our submission will focus on issues pertinent to the delivery of and access to quality education and care.

Read the submission

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